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Four Guardians Pty Ltd 

Four Guardians is the Discover of Australia’s only low dose protease inhibitor Prodrug for HIV/AIDS. They are also the Winner of the 2021 International Trade Council Go Global award. representing 178 countries


 According to WHO, 36 million people were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in 2020, 1.7 Children are innocent victims also are living with HIV/AIDS. Whereas, 32.7 million people died of AIDS related illness at the end of 2019. In which 10% are also are HBV positive. 


One recurring problem is that commercially available Protease inhibitor Side Effects have always been a major challenge in antiretroviral therapy thereby experiencing loss of market share.  

Today’s market Protease Inhibitors come with both short-term side effects (diarrhea, difficulty in sleeping, dizziness, fatigue, headache, muscle pain) and long-term side effects (depression, diabetes, heart disease, insomnia). 

These are several side effects associated with use of Protease inhibitor as part ART therapy, thus impacting patient compliance and a loss of the Protease Inhibitor market segment. 


As a result of human clinical trials experiences, Four Guardians’ expectation is its Prodrug could reverse the market trend to market growth with its New low dose water-soluble protease inhibitor discovery which could be formulated into a number of products from treatment in baby formula to Adults.  

Meet the team

Founder Director & CEO

Medicinal Chemist

Commercial and Legal advisor


Actuación del Campus de excelencia cofinanciadas por la Unión Europea a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía.

Proyecto Singular ILIBERIS: Actuaciones Singulares de Transferencia de Conocimiento en el CEI BIOTIC.

Marco por el que se impulsa el desarrollo de Proyectos Singulares de actuaciones de transferencia en los Campus de Excelencia Internacional en las áreas de la Estrategia de Investigación e Innovación para la Especialización Inteligente de Andalucía (RIS3) con cargo al Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de Andalucía.