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Scouting Mentoring Program

For the 5 selected projects in the mentoring program is mentoring specific to their stage of development, needs, and specific sector.

There are many decisions that are made early on in investigations in the areas of health technology and life sciences that can impact greatly on whether a technology is patentable, can be put into a spinoff or startup company or licensed to a larger health technology company and ultimately can be commercialized.  Because many of these topics impacting decisions are not normally a part of scientific training, they are not a part of the scientific process and planning of experiments.
An example is proof of concept.  While every investigator understands proof of concept from a technology point of view, proof of concept from a use and investor point of view can be quite different.  Not getting it right can mean additional investment and time to redo studies incorporating these concepts.

The AcexHealth Scouting program has been developed to provide an understanding of these critical topics to assist investigators, regardless of the stage of investigation, in maximizing the possibility that the technology you have invested time and effort in developing or are beginning to investigate can move forward towards the market and ultimately make an impact in healthcare or life sciences

For the 5 selected projects in the mentoring program is mentoring specific to their stage of development, needs, and specific sector.


Initial analysis of the projects from a clinical and commercial point of view What are their needs in the following stages?
December 2023.


Identify possible sources of funding/investment to be able to pay for the resources needed to carry out the AcexHealth Scouting program and next steps needed for the project or company.
March 2024

Let us help you bring your invention to life!

Actuación del Campus de excelencia cofinanciadas por la Unión Europea a través del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) y la Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía.

Proyecto Singular ILIBERIS: Actuaciones Singulares de Transferencia de Conocimiento en el CEI BIOTIC.

Marco por el que se impulsa el desarrollo de Proyectos Singulares de actuaciones de transferencia en los Campus de Excelencia Internacional en las áreas de la Estrategia de Investigación e Innovación para la Especialización Inteligente de Andalucía (RIS3) con cargo al Programa Operativo FEDER 2014-2020 de Andalucía.